(562) 452-7522
Mobile Computer Repair
Laptop Screen Replacement Long Beach

Laptop Screen Repair Cost

Did you break your laptop screen? Bring your laptop in to our computer repair shop to figure out extractly what part we need to order. Two day turn around time. The avgerage laptop screen repair cost between $125 - $175. We offer the best Laptop screen repair in Long Beach, CA.

Laptop Screen Replacement

Here are a few signs it might be time to replace your screen:

  • Is your laptop screen flickering?
  • Do you have black lines going down the screen?
  • Does the screen become very dark after a few minutes?

To figure out how much it would cost to fix your laptop screen call us today for a free quote

(562) 452-7522

Do I lose my data if my screen is broken?

  • Depending on how the screen was broken you will have a very good chance that your data is still there. We can help you trasnfer your data to a USB stick or new computer.

Is my laptop even worth repairing?

  • With some laptop older then 4 years, we recommend just buying a new laptop. You can get a decent laptop for about $400. We recommend looking for any laptop that has an Intel i5 processor or better. Call us if you need any help selecting a new laptop.

How much do laptop screens cost to replace?

  • Depending on the problem of the laptop screen, the part can cost any where between $125 - $175.

How long will it take to replace my laptop screen?

  • Typcally if we can easily find the part it takes about 2-4 days to repair your laptop screen.

apple screen repair

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Computer Shop Hours

Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Laptop Parts

  • LCD Backlight
  • Screen Brackets
  • Laptop Hinge
  • Screen Bezel